Monday, 4 June 2012

Welcome To Womanhood!

A few weeks ago i was chatting to the lovely Samantha from Funky Goddess and a few friends on twitter about my Daughter, who is 12 years old.

A little bit background info! My daughter is hearing impaired, she has moderate sensorineural hearing loss which was undiagnosed until she was 7 1/2 years old. Now due to the late diagnosis she is not as developed mentally as a "normal" 12 year old.  So one evening i was chatting and had got a bit upset at the difficulties she faces.

I get a lovely message from Samantha at Funky Goddess saying about her "Welcome to Womanhood" and she was so lovely she sent my daughter a gift box!

We have been quite busy over the last week or so with the end of the term but tonight we managed to have a sit down in her room and have a look!!

Do you think she was a little pleased?

We had a lovely little chat and she tried to read the booklet but have told her if she wants to ask any questions she can.  I think it will be a great help when she starts her periods.  Her favourite was the Eyemask as you can see.

She said to say thank you to Samantha she absolutely loves it! 

If you have a little girl who is 11-12 years old Gabrielle and I both highly recommend this fantastic gift box.  She also does lots of other gift boxes including welcome to motherhood, so head on over and get yourself a fantastic gift box!

Thank you again Samantha!


  1. You are really welcome, so glad she likes it. And she is so pretty too!! Best of luck and don't forget we also have a link to this fab site from Lil-lets which has lots of info for Gabrielle that she might like to look at sometime. (It is really cool)!

  2. This was a lovely post - I have a daughter too and really enjoy hearing about great ideas like this. Thank you for sharing x
